investigative experiment, tactical job injuries, research, crimeAbstract
The article examines tactical tasks of investigative experiment in the investigation of intentional grievous bodily harm that caused victim’s death. Analyzes available in terms of legal literature on the subject. A number of issues on which decision may be directed investigative experiment to determine the mechanism of commission of the offense as a whole or in the course of its separate stages. Тhe investigative experiment to determine the mechanism of commission of crime in general or during specific stages can be aimed at addressing a number of issues, including the establishment of: 1) a particular place or defining the boundaries of the site where the victim has suffered a physical damage (to assess the capability of the terrain, placement of furniture or other objects in the room to influence the offender, etc.); 2) the relative position and poses of the suspect and the victim when causing bodily ushkod, their movements, in particular the suspect, in order to catch the victim and the latest efforts to avoid attacks or in carrying out resistance; 3) a method to cause bodily harm, namely by means of weapon usage or avoiding to use it; the nature of holding weapons, including one or both hands; the trajectories of causing damage; usage of weapons remotely (fire, throwing weapons, etc.) or by direct contact and others; 4) the possibility to cause harm by means of the the certain postures specified by the person and the relative position of the suspect and the victim; the conformity of the physical damage and marks on the body and clothing of the victim; on the body and clothing of the suspect under the conditions of the victim’s to maintain resistance; on the elements of the venue; 5) the possibility of leaving the victim in certain circumstances (in terms of high or low temperatures, etc.) that can cause physical damage; 6) the possibility to cause physical damage by himself/herself. The further study of the problem the author recommends to further development of the tactics to carry out investigative experiments in the investigation proceeding of the studied type of crime.
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