safety, state security, human security, international standards, international criminal law, annexation, aggressionAbstract
The article presents arguments in favor of that the role of international criminal law in ensuring of human security is transboundary in nature, as beyond the jurisdiction of national legislation and particularly applies to collective security types - state, single nation, people or ethnic group. But right now it is in crisis because of its flagrant violations, but because it is the most effective international institutions designed to provide individual types of human security. The beginning of the XXI century was marked by a real crisis of public international law, including international criminal law. The events of 2013-2104 years clearly demonstrated the failure of the UN to influence countries that are permanent members of the UN Security Council so that it can stop the obvious to the world, but the impugned by the aggressor, breach of military security of Ukraine. Not all rules of the substantive criminal law of Ukraine concerning international legal relations or contain "international legal component", with internal or external communications with international law or otherwise implemented in the context of international relations (and a significant number of such rules - extradition and transfer of criminals, universal jurisdiction of law on criminal liability, diplomatic and other immunities from prosecution of criminal responsibility for attacks on representatives of foreign countries, convention and conventional crimes). The author has developed assertion that the world needs to build a new security system since the postwar structure, both European and world ones are no longer effective and are not able to defend any country. The new security system should be directed not against anyone, but operate in order to protect its territory, make absolutely unacceptable violation of borders and aggression have effective mechanisms to preserve peace. This assertion takes place and concerns of national security from steadfastness of which depends human security. The main thing here - so the state never put its safety above man, because the true state exists to serve the needs of its citizens, and not vice versa.
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