patrol police, patrol police powers, of the cases on administrative offensesAbstract
It was established that the new patrol police has incorporated not only the task of preventing criminal, administrative offenses, the prevention, detection and suppression of criminal and administrative offenses, cases of domestic violence, identify the causes and conditions contributing to their perpetration, but also to ensure road safety, the monitoring of the observance of laws and other normative legal acts on road safety. Considered authority patrol police in cases of administrative violations in the field of road safety. Defined category of cases on administrative offenses proceedings in respect of which a simplified proceedings and their peculiarity, namely if during the drafting of the resolution on administrative violation osporyt individual violation and administrative penalties that it imposed, the authorized officer is obliged to make a protocol on administrative offense. This rule does not apply to offenses in the area of road safety where once a decision is issued in the case of an administrative offense, regardless of consent to the offense and charges imposed on a person who is attracted to administrative responsibility. It is concluded that simplified the proceedings of an administrative offense has certain advantages as significantly simplifies and saves time person who is liable in case of consent of the offense and the penalties imposed on the other hand its use requires legislative revision of some regulations CAO, as a protocol on administrative offense under Article 251 of the CAO is proof in cases of administrative offenses and sometimes there are situations where it is the sole source of evidence in cases of administrative offenses. The proposals to improve legislation in this area, namely the appropriate changes to Article 258 of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses in terms of the necessity of drawing up a protocol on administrative offense in If you disagree person called to account on offense and (or) collection which is on it imposed.
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