state migration service, forms of activity, counteraction, administrative offenses, foreigners, administrative activities of the state-migration service.Abstract
The types of forms of activity of the state-migration service of Ukraine are analyzed and defined by the effective implementation of the tasks and functions of the implementation of state policy in the spheres of migration (immigration and emigration), including counteraction to illegal (illegal) migration, in particular an administrative offense of foreigners. It is determined that regardless of classification, the optimal use of those or other forms of public administration forms the effectiveness of the state-migration service of Ukraine on the implementation of the tasks entrusted to it as a whole, as well as in part of counteracting an administrative offense of foreigners. The analysis of forms used in public administration shows that their aggregate is a kind of systematic formation, whose components closely interact with each other, and are not interchangeable. The system of forms plays an important role in the management process of the state-migration service of Ukraine. The forms of managerial activity are marked by noticeable independence and universality on specific industries and spheres of public administration, in particular migration. Given the significance of the administrative activity of the state-migration service of Ukraine to create appropriate conditions for the effective implementation of state policy in the field of migration, ensuring effective state management of migration processes, creating conditions for sustainable demographic and socio-economic development of the state, raising national security by preventing the emergence of uncontrolled migration processes. and the elimination of their consequences, the coordination of national legislation in the field of migration with international standards, observance of the principles of protection of interests of Ukraine, one of the directions of creation of a professional and effective state migration service of Ukraine is to improve the forms of activity of this service and its officials. Invisible is the fact that timely and adequate increase in the effectiveness of the migration service used by the migration service will contribute to the successful performance of the tasks and implementation of functions. Based on the analysis, modern forms of activity of the state-migration service of Ukraine are defined: 1. Edition of legal acts of normative management: Acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine concerning the activities of the State Migration Service of Ukraine; normative acts of the state-migration service of Ukraine; Normative acts of territorial divisions of the state-migration service of Ukraine. 2. Publishing of legal acts of administration of an individual nature: procedural acts; Deport acts of internal and external direction. 3. Conclusion of administrative contracts (agreements). 4. Committing other legally significant action. 5. Providing administrative services (for example, issuance of a passport). 6. Organizational actions. 7.Material and technical operations. The most significant modern form of activity of the state-migration service of Ukraine regarding counteraction to the administrative offense of foreigners in Ukraine is the provision of administrative services. The latter can be defined as a result of the exercise of the authorities of officials of the state-migration service of Ukraine regarding the change or termination of the rights and / or duties of foreigners and stateless persons in accordance with the law on the application of the latter about the provision of such a service. Successful activity of the state-migration service of Ukraine regarding the counteraction to the administrative offense of foreigners directly depends on the integrated use of these forms of activity that require their further improvement and should be focused on the comprehensive observance of human rights and freedoms during their implementation.
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