legal status of the subject of formation of the state register, state register, state registration bodies, state register maintenance bodies, state register administrator, system of state registers, elements of legal status.Abstract
The article represents certain results of the general theoretical research of the peculiarities of the legal status of the bodies of state administration, other state bodies, the commissioners for the formation of state registries and other subjects of the formation and functioning of the state registries; it investigates the basic approaches to the formation of their legal status. The legal status is considered as a complex of marks that determines their place, role and destination in the system of administrative and legal relationship. These marks serve as the elements of the legal status. These elements, above all, comprise their tasks, functions, duties, etc. The legal status of the subjects of the formation and maintenance of each separate state registry is normatively defined. It is proved that the scope and nature of power of the authorized bodies depend on the object of the legal control, the character of the social relationship regulated by the state registry and their importance for the society. The subjects in legal relationships in the sphere of formation and maintenance of the state registries with regard to their place and role in the issue of the legal and organizational support of this process are conditionally divided into two groups according to their legal status. The first group comprises the subjects that don’t directly participate in the formation and functioning of the state registries but definitely have an impact on it. They are the Verkhovna Rada, the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine that are authorized with law making powers. The article characterizes the means of implementation of law making powers of the subjects of the first group as their main function in the sphere of the support of formation and functioning of the state registries. The particular attention is paid to the issue of the determination of the place and role of these subjects in legal relationships in the formation of the legal status of the subjects that, according to the requirements of the enactment of the subjects of the first group, determine in their statutory documents the features of formation and maintenance of the corresponding state registries, carry out organizational and legal activities and fulfil other functions of their formation and maintenance. In particular, it is considered the peculiarities of the statutory activity of the holders of state registries, its content and direction. Another group of powers of the subjects directly involved in the formation and maintenance of the state registries is connected with the direct activity of the formation and maintenance of the state registries. In the course of the research it was found who and how determines the powers as an element of the legal status of the holder (disposer) of the state registry, the administrator (technical administrator), the bodies of state registration, maintenance of the state registry and its administration.
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