security, national security, state security, security under martial law, legal regulation, improvement.Abstract
The article examines the legal regulation of national security in Ukraine. The author analyzed the concept of national security and its components. The article examines the system of normative legal acts in the field of ensuring national security, identifies the main shortcomings of legislation in this field. It was found that the legislation in the field of ensuring national security in Ukraine does not meet modern challenges and threats related to national security. It is argued that normative legal acts in the field of national security are not properly coordinated among themselves and contain a number of shortcomings, which negatively affects the level of ensuring national security. Based on the results of the research, conclusions were formulated and suggestions were made regarding the improvement of the legal regulation of national security in the conditions of martial law. It is suggested that in order to achieve a state of improvement and increase the effectiveness of the legal provision of national security in Ukraine, it is necessary to develop a systematized, logically connected and interconnected regulatory framework in this area, to agree on terminological concepts among themselves, and the powers of subjects of national security provision. This will help solve the difficult challenges facing the national security system and create a legal basis for its effective development. It is substantiated that the main goal of legal regulation of national security is the creation of a coherent and comprehensive state policy in the field of national security, which should be calculated both for today and for the future. Legislation in the field of national security must reflect modern challenges and threats and contain clear measures to counteract them, as well as contain effective mechanisms for the implementation of legislative prescriptions that apply not only to the subjects of the security and defense system, but also to all subjects of public relations, who may be involved in tasks related to ensuring national security.
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