state of war, armed aggression, temporarily occupied territories, human rights and freedoms.Abstract
This article focuses on the identification of primary infringements within the domain of human rights and freedoms in temporarily occupied territories, as well as the delineation of protective mechanisms. The study systematically examines the existing legislation in Ukraine concerning the determination of the legal status of individuals residing in these territories. Extensive evidence is provided to substantiate mass violations of human and citizen rights and freedoms in temporarily occupied areas, with a particular emphasis on the considerable transgressions against personal, economic, social, and cultural rights. A meticulous analysis of these rights’ violations within these territories is conducted. Notably, the article underscores that the list of systematically restricted or violated rights and freedoms may be expanded due to the armed aggression of the russian federation. Furthermore, the study delves into the instruments available for safeguarding human rights in temporarily occupied territories. It has been determined that, with the aim of addressing national security issues amid a state of war and persistent armed aggression, the state is obliged to systematically and efficiently respond to all potential infringements upon the rights and freedoms of individuals residing in temporarily occupied territories. A conclusion has been drawn that, for the effective safeguarding of human rights in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the legislator has incorporated a series of normative legal acts into the national legislative framework, exerting a direct influence on the protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals situated in these territories. Nevertheless, the temporally occupied territories remain beyond Ukraine’s jurisdiction, rendering the implementation mechanism of normative provisions in this sphere intricate. It is posited that, in light of the substantial and systematic violations of national legislative norms and international treaties in this domain by the russian federation, Ukraine’s primary task lies in the development of an efficacious toolkit for the protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals within the context of temporary occupation. Additionally, it determines the position and role of international cooperation in the protection of rights and freedoms for individuals and citizens in such territories. The article concludes by highlighting the imperative need for a comprehensive approach in the mechanism designed for protecting human rights in temporarily occupied territories to attain the most effective outcomes.
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