sexual violence, armed conflict, armed aggression, conflict-related sexual violence, gender-based violence, criminological support, prevention.Abstract
article provides a holistic view of the extensive system of measures that make up the content of criminological support for the prevention of sexual violence associated with armed conflict. The proposed measures can be used as the basic provisions of a national strategy for the prevention and countermeasures of sexual violence related to armed conflict. Criminological support for the prevention of conflict-related sexual violence is an important component of the state policy for the prevention of conflict-related sexual violence. The strategy of reducing the likelihood of committing conflict-related sexual violence requires more active research, the main goal of which is the implementation of measures aimed at increasing public awareness of the likelihood of committing crimes, the riskiness of criminal activity, and awareness of the inevitability of punishment. Improving all components of criminological support will make it possible to achieve: increasing the effectiveness of the system for preventing conflict-related sexual violence; the effectiveness of the activities of the National Police bodies; implementation of a gender-sensitive, inclusive, victim-oriented, human rights-based approach; establishment of international, interdepartmental cooperation in the field of law enforcement, as well as to promote an increase in interest in scientific research on crime.
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