human rights, OSCE, UN, PACE, full-scale war in Ukraine.Abstract
Research on violations of human and citizen rights in the temporarily occupied territories in the situation of formation of a security environment in Ukraine revealed various aspects of the problem. In particular, as a result of the military aggression of the russian federation, the fundamental rights of people, such as the right to life, freedom, and personal integrity, have been significantly violated. The stated facts indicate a systematic violation of the fundamental principles of human and citizen rights in these territories. In order to protect violated rights and respond to this problem, possible directions of influence are constant political pressure on the aggressor, the creation of an international coalition in support of de-occupation, and the development of an effective international framework for the protection of human rights. However, in order to achieve these goals, Ukraine’s interaction with the international community, including organizations such as the OSCE, UN and PACE, is important. Such an approach can contribute to the creation of conditions for the protection of basic rights and freedoms in the temporarily occupied territories, as well as contribute to the development of mechanisms for solving humanitarian issues between Ukraine and the russian federation. Additionally, on the basis of the identified problems, it was determined that the concept of «security environment» needs a clear definition in national legislation, since the lack of a clear and unified understanding of this concept makes it difficult to ensure the practical application of relevant measures. Based on the analysis, it can be recommended to define «security environment» as a set of social relations, factors and factors, which include normative and legal and organizational mechanisms for the protection of national security, territorial integrity, rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen from potential or real threats to ensure their vital activities. In order to eliminate violations, it is envisaged to create a unified reintegration strategy for all temporarily occupied territories. In addition, emphasis is placed on the importance of the state’s ability to adapt to changes in the security environment, the effective functioning of public authorities to protect human and citizen rights, as well as the development of intelligence capabilities to obtain complete information on the state of human rights in the temporarily occupied territories. The central aspect is the need for further cooperation of Ukraine with international partners and organizations in order to ensure effective protection of human rights in the conditions of formation of a security environment. This includes sustained political pressure, international coalition building and cooperation with key international institutions. This approach is strategically important for solving global challenges and supporting Ukrainian society in achieving security and protection of human rights in conflict conditions. The research findings also indicate the need to improve legislation and strategies for ensuring a secure environment in Ukraine, in particular in the temporarily occupied territories. The conducted research is aimed at supporting all categories of people who suffered as a result of military aggression, in particular internally displaced persons, children, pensioners, disabled people, military personnel and foreign citizens.
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