


restrictions, rights, state of emergency, legal regime, legal support, administrative and legal support.


This article highlights the issue of the state of emergency as an object of administrative and legal support. The analysis of scientific publications of scientists who researched legal regimes and, in particular, the legal regime of the state of emergency, was carried out. The legislation regulating the introduction of the legal regime of a state of emergency is considered. It has been established that with the help of legal regimes, a number of important tasks for society and the state are solved, for example, ensuring the territorial integrity of the state, fighting terrorism, and eliminating the consequences of various emergency situations. The concept of administrative-legal support in various spheres of social relations was analyzed in other scientific works and the following features were singled out: the activity of subjects of administrative-legal support of the legal regime is regulated by the norms of administrative law; the subject of administrative and legal support of the legal regime is the subject of public administration; the purpose of administrative and legal support is the protection of social relations and values in a certain area. It was found that the legislation of Ukraine provides for three main types of emergency regimes: state of emergency, environmental emergency, and martial law. It was determined that the legal regime of the state of emergency has a limited period of validity and its introduction must be justified by the need to ensure security and order in the state.A proper definition of the concept of administrative-legal support of the legal regime of emergency has been proposed, which can be distinguished as the activity of the subjects of administrative-legal support of the legal regime of emergency, which is regulated by the norms of administrative law to avert the threat and ensure the safety and health of citizens, the normal functioning of the national economy, of state authorities and local self-government bodies, protection of the constitutional order, as well as an independent type of activity of state authorities, which involves the implementation of protective, protective, regulatory and organizational actions aimed at fulfilling the tasks of the legal regime of emergency.


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How to Cite

Hida, O. (2024). THE REGIME OF THE STATE OF EMERGENCY AS AN OBJECT OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL SECURITY. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 297–301.