
  • Natalia Bratishko Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs



digital forensics, criminalistics, methods, investigation, criminal offenses, cybercrime, evidence.


The article examines the newest branch of forensic science – digital forensics, which is an applied science of solving crimes related to computer information, the study of digital evidence, methods of searching, obtaining and securing such evidence. The views of leading scholars on the concept and place of digital forensics in the system of forensic science are analyzed. The author analyzes the technique and modern methods of digital forensics in the investigation of criminal offenses. The author assesses the current trends in the development of digital forensics and predicts its further development in Ukraine. The author provides a legal analysis of the fact that digital forensics can be used in various contexts, including internal corporate investigations, civil litigation, etc. This involves the use of specialized tools and methods to obtain information from a wide range of digital devices, such as computers, mobile phones and storage media. It is noted that in the existing model of forensic science in Ukraine, there is an urgent need to form a separate branch of forensic technology, which includes means and methods of digital evidence examination. This greatly simplifies the task of integrating the achievements of digital forensics into the national forensic system, since, on the one hand, it does not require revision of the system itself, and on the other hand, it allows for the rapid implementation of most of the relevant scientific provisions and practical recommendations. The content of the section of forensic technique devoted to the forensic examination of digital evidence should include scientific provisions of digital forensics as a branch of forensic science adapted to the realities of domestic law enforcement practice and forensic theory.


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How to Cite

Bratishko, N. (2024). DIRECTIONS OF USE OF DIGITAL FORENSICS UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 282–288.