


tourism, logistics, transport logistics, tourism logistics, smart mobility.


The article outlines directions for the development of logistics in tourism and provides effective recommendations for the introduction of various types of logistics operations in the tourism industry in Ukraine. Tourism is a business related to the organization and conduct of vacations and visiting tourist attractions. Logistics refers to a set of services that facilitate the physical transportation of goods, cross-border trade and cross-border business. In both commercial and public sectors, effective management and information technology solutions are necessary to ensure high-quality logistics. In today’s global business environment, a country’s competitiveness is determined by its ability to manage logistics. Reliable supply chains and service provision for sellers are important factors. The complexity of global supply systems is increasing. The environment is the main attraction for travelers seeking a tourism product. Landscape, seascape, beaches and climate are examples of natural resources. Various attractions are also available to tourists, from historical sites to amusement parks. In addition, the tourism sector offers social attractions, such as interacting with local people and learning about their way of life. Logistics trends in logistics for the near future have been formed. Special attention is paid to the transport component of tourist activity. Emphasis was placed on the need to observe security conditions, especially during martial law. Modernization of the infrastructure of the passenger complex of transport through the creation of a system of passenger transport hubs in the country is a progressive direction of the logistic trend of the future. Logistics trends in logistics for the near future have been formed: warehouse simulation, flexibility of logistics, automation of robotic processes, analysis of large volumes of data, sustainable development and green logistics. The future of the tourism industry involves safety, as well as taking into account a complex of social, environmental and other factors. Tourism is largely dependent on the destination or new location and marketing strategies to promote tourism products. The process of customer behavior in the tourism industry changes as a result of trends or tendencies, including those imposed on potential tourists with the help of modern effective marketing technologies.


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How to Cite

Martseniuk, L., Kovalenko-Marchenkova, Y., Hnennyy, M., & Zhilkin, A. (2024). DIRECTIONS OF LOGISTICS TRENDS IN THE TRANSPORT SECTOR TAKING INTO ACCOUNT MARTIAL STATUS AND INTELLIGENT MOBILITY. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 231–248.

