civil society, war crime, principle, interaction, documentation, pre-trial investigation, victim, public organization.Abstract
Institutions of civil society play an important role in the life of Ukrainian society during martial law. They took on the functions of social and psychological support for the victims. They also take an active position in documenting the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. War crimes have been the subject of research by many scientists, but the problem of the participation of civil society institutions in documenting war crimes has not yet been investigated. Therefore, the article reveals the features and possibilities of participation of civil society institutions in the direction of documenting war crimes. In particular, the recommendations that civil society institutions should follow when documenting war crimes are defined. Among them are the observance of personal safety measures, the prevention of exposure to the danger of others. It is emphasized that when receiving and evaluating information that indicates the commission of war crimes, it is important to remain objective, record the personal data of the victims and immediately report such facts to the pre-trial investigation. It is noted that it is strictly forbidden to disclose received confidential information or personal data without the consent of the person who provided them. It is indicated that it is important to store the received information in written and digital form. It is justified that the removal of objects and items that can acquire the status of physical evidence should be carried out only in exceptional cases. At the same time, it is important to properly pack and store such items. If a large number of them are removed, they must be marked. In the article, the author emphasizes the importance of observing the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine during the documentation and investigation of this category of criminal offenses.
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