



tactics, interrogation, investigative action, procedural, forensic, crime, features.


The tactical features of conducting investigative actions on the example of interrogation have been considered. A theoretical analysis of the scientific works of foreign and domestic authors has been carried out, in which the issues of tactics and features of interrogation have been considered. The relationship with other scientific fields and the influence of this knowledge on the correct choice of interrogation tactics have been outlined. It was determined that interrogation is a procedural form of communication aimed at obtaining information about the case under investigation. The stages that take place during the interrogation have been singled out, namely: transfer of the testimony of the interrogated to the investigator; the investigator's understanding of the information received; fixation of information. As a result of the analysis of scientific literature and legislation, the author has determined that interrogation has a pronounced ethical character, as well as the existence of a close relationship between legality and ethics. There is a distinction between the criminal procedural regulation of interrogation and the tactical methods of conducting it. A procedural rule may contain a tactical technique and may be forensic one in its content. A joint review of procedural norms and tactical techniques allows for a deeper understanding of the essence and meaning of investigative actions, to analyze the relationship between the criminal process and forensics. Tactics must be scientifically based and logical, interconnected to achieve the goal. Also, they must be effective and economical, have such a property as selectivity (respectively affect persons who really know the circumstances of the crime under investigation).


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How to Cite

Makarova, O. (2024). TACTICAL FEATURES OF INTERROGATION IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 207–212. https://doi.org/10.31733/2078-3566-2023-6-207-212

