domestic violence, martial law, victim of domestic violence, legislation, legal mechanism of protection.Abstract
The article is devoted to the theoretical and legal analysis of the legal mechanism for the protection of victims of domestic violence under martial law, taking into account international experience and modern challenges. Carrying out an in-depth examination of the problems and challenges faced by victims of this type of violence under martial law, the article provides conclusions and suggestions for improving legislative, social and psychological approaches. The need for complex changes in the legal mechanism is considered, in particular, the expansion of definitions of violence, the creation of mechanisms of responsibility and the improvement of the effectiveness of judicial protection. Emphasis is placed on the importance of social support and reintegration of victims, as well as education issues and public awareness. The analysis of international experience and the conclusions of the article serve as the basis for the development of strategies and measures aimed at improving the situation of victims of domestic violence in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. Considering modern challenges and the need to adapt to the specifics of the conflict, the article seeks to contribute to the real improvement of protecting victims’ rights and creating a humane and effective legal environment. The importance of legal protection for victims of domestic violence under martial law is recognised in the context of not only public safety but also the provision of fundamental rights and dignity of the individual. The article examines in detail the existing gaps in the legislation and the challenges faced by victims of domestic violence in the context of military conflict, taking into account the already available international experience. The main goal is to identify optimal ways to improve legal protection and create effective tools for detecting, responding to, and preventing domestic violence in conflict situations. In particular, the possibilities of expanding responsibility to ensure the punishment of the guilty, establishing mechanisms of psychosocial support for victims, and developing educational initiatives to form a gender-sensitive society are considered. Therefore, the article highlights not only the problems but also offers concrete solutions, taking into account the global experience and best practices in the field of protection of the rights of victims of domestic violence under martial law. Analytical approaches and constructive proposals create the basis for further discussions and the development of effective strategies in the fight against this social problem.
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