


illegal fishing, investigation, law enforcement agencies, fishing activity, marine and river ecosystems, prevention.


Current problems of the investigation of illegal employment in fishing were studied. It is noted that the most advanced problem in the investigation of illegal acts in the field of illegal hunting and fishing and specific illegal fishing is the combination of the latest technological solutions that could help in the formation of your specified violations, as well as improve the system of control over the activity. In addition, the lack of international cooperation and technological innovations for effectiveness in countering and investigating negative research activities are separate factors of the ineffective implementation of criminal proceedings in this category. Such an aspect of the investigation is the constant improvement of tactical methods of carrying out individual procedural actions and technical means that will ensure the maximum effectiveness of combating illegal fishing. It is noted that illegal fishing is the cause of excessive fishing and disruption of ecosystems in water basins. This threatens the diversity of species and may lead to the measurement of populations of some species of fish, which will have a negative impact on fisheries. In addition, illegal fishing creates illegal competition for legal fishing companies and farms, which in the future can lead to a decrease in their income and job losses in the specified industry. It was noted that it is important to lose the legal context and international agreements that regulate the fishing industry, as well as to cooperate at the international level to effectively control illegal fishing. The need for the fastest implementation of tools and technologies (application of satellite systems such as Landsat, Sentinel; equipping fishing vessels with GPS systems, RFID tags; visualization tools) and their effective use ensure their effectiveness to ensure control over the fishing industry. In addition, the latest technologies, such as satellite monitoring and data analysis, serve to establish illegal activity in the investigated area. And the preventive activity of the authorized persons regarding the explanation of the criminal consequences of illegal fishing is undoubtedly a measure.


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How to Cite

Yefimov, M., & Zahorovska, I. (2024). INVESTIGATION OF ILLEGAL FISHING: CURRENT PROBLEMS. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 147–153.

