person, criminal, collaborator, military serviceman, features, characteristics, war, aggressive behavior.Abstract
The article examines the criminological characteristics of a person who commits crimes during the war in Ukraine. It is proven that the study of a person who commits a crime has always been and remains one of the central problems of all sciences of the criminal law cycle. Criminology is no exception, because it considers the person of the criminal as a person who has moral-psychological, physiological, social and biological properties. Therefore, the study of the criminological characteristics of a person who commits crimes in the conditions of war in Ukraine made it possible to identify not only the determinants of the commission by servicemen of the russian federation or collaborators among citizens of Ukraine in illegal actions on the territory of occupied cities and villages, as well as to reveal the mechanism of their criminal, aggressive behavior. Considering the fact that criminological science is just beginning to study a person who commits crimes in the conditions of war, we must come to an understanding of the essence of the concept of such a criminal, since the appearance of various approaches to its definition is due to the period of time, namely the russian-Ukrainian war. The article highlights the features of this characteristic, in particular; a person who commits a crime in the conditions of war in Ukraine is the least investigated; the subject of the crime can be a serviceman of the russian federation or a collaborator among citizens of Ukraine. Committing crimes in the conditions of war shows the multifaceted nature of a person's behavior, his/her biological, physiological, social and moral-psychological properties. The author's definition of the criminological characteristics of a person who commits crimes in the conditions of the russian-Ukrainian war is formulated - this is a human being who, as a result of social pathology, has become alienated from normal human values, and who, within certain time frames, has acquired immorality, impulsiveness and aggressive criminal behavior towards another person . It is noted that a statistical portrait of a criminal in wartime can be formed by interviewing russian prisoners of war, collaborators among Ukrainian citizens, as well as those who will serve real sentences for crimes committed in Ukraine during the russian-Ukrainian war. In general, summarizing the positions of domestic scientists regarding a comprehensive study of the criminological characteristics of a person who commits a crime in the conditions of war in Ukraine, we will draw the following conclusions: 1) the effectiveness of any research, and this research is not an exception, should be provided with a scientific, theoretical and practical basis for the criminological characterization of a person who commits war crimes and crimes related to such a war in the conditions of war in Ukraine; 2) it is proven that a person who commits a crime in the conditions of war in Ukraine should be considered by criminologists not as a certain abstraction (ideal model), but as a human being who, as a result of social pathology, is inherently alienated from normal human values, and who in certain time frames, acquired immorality, impulsiveness and aggressiveness towards other people.
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