healthy way of life, health, primary prophylaxis, forming, leadership, favour, advicesnAbstract
In the article the concept of healthy way of life opens up from the different points of view, in particular, known valeologist Yu.P. Lisitsyn, examines the way of life as certain, historically-predefined type, type of vital functions or certain method in the field of non-material (spiritual) vital functions of people. On the other hand the way of life is examined as a system of mutual relations of man with and by the factors of environment, as a component complex of actions and experiencing, formed habits. The representatives of philosophical-sociological direction examine the healthy way of life as global social aspect, component part of life of society on the whole, and most psychologists and teachers examine him from the point of view of consciousness ot the man. Most western scientists determine the way of life, as a wide category, that plugs the individual forms of behavior, activity and realization of the possibilities in labour, everyday life and cultural habits peculiar that is why or to other socio-economic mode. There are other points of view (for example, medico-biology), however a sharp verge is not between them, as they are aimed at the decision of one task - strengthening of health of individual, achievement to them of active longevity and valuable implementation of social functions. Forming of healthy way of life is the main means of primary prophylaxis in the management of health of young people, her making healthy with the use of hygienical knowledge in a fight against pernicious habits and other unfavorable factors of environment. A concept of forming of skills of healthy way of life is complex and will nurse the systems health care for scopes, as it is related to the wide circle socially-economic indicators of health, quality of life, education and employment. at choice method life influences row of social, economic and psychological factors of environment of existence of man. The authors of the article examine the role of leadership and liking for the healthy way of life as such, that will assist forming of this phenomenon in swingeing majority of young people, that will result in to the improvement of health, increase of capacity and creative activity. The advices, worked out by scientists, doctors, dietitians and psychologists observance of that and is the mortgage of forming of healthy way of life, are given in the article.
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