


tactical and specialized training, units, tactics, police, response.


The article examines the importance of applying tactical principles in the work of police units to effectively carry out their tasks and ensure community safety. The key aspects of a tactical approach are discussed, including adaptation to specific situations, the use of technology, and collaboration with other law enforcement agencies. Various tactical principles, such as strategic planning, coordination of actions, and the use of modern communication tools and specialized equipment, are thoroughly examined. The author emphasizes that the proper application of tactical principles assists police officers in addressing diverse situations, ranging from criminal investigations to public safety. The article also highlights the significance of training and preparing police officers with consideration for tactical aspects to enhance their effectiveness in real situations. In conclusion, the article underscores the importance of continually refining tactical strategies to adapt to changing conditions and challenges faced by police units. The publication addresses current issues and improvement strategies for refining the behavior tactics of employees of the National Police of Ukraine to avoid dangerous situations. Practical recommendations are provided regarding the conduct of law enforcement officers to prevent extreme and hazardous situations. It is noted that contemporary legislation in Ukraine's police activities proclaims a set of principles, ideally serving as a benchmark for European-style police as a service-oriented agency, forming the basis for all modern police activities aimed at providing services to the population. Legal principles ensuring the personal safety of police officers are formulated, and the current state of legal regulation concerning personal safety in typical and extreme situations during official duties is reflected. The article includes an analysis of the normative-legal framework, processing of terminological apparatus with indications of corresponding interpretations, and an examination of publications by domestic scholars addressing personal safety of police officers in official and extreme situations, its current state, existing problems, resolution methods, and development prospects. A classification of personal safety provision for police officers in official and extreme situations is provided, along with meaningful conclusions and identified future directions for scientific research.


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How to Cite

Bilichenko, V. (2024). THE NEED TO USE TACTICAL PRINCIPLES IN POLICE UNITS’ WORK. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 130–135.

