
  • Anastasiya V. Aksyutina
  • Roman V. Karpenko



culture, art, service, cultural service, public service, normative legal acts.


The article considers the regulatory basis of providing the population with cultural services, considers the main legal acts in force in the field of culture and arts by legal force, considers the international documents governing the provision of cultural services to the population. The expediency of adopting in the conditions of further implementation of the Concept of reforming the system of providing the population with cultural services the State Program of Development of the National Cultural Space and Providing the Population with Cultural Services, which will provide specific steps -territorial structure of Ukraine indicators and criteria for assessing the quality of cultural services, the mechanism of interaction between executive authorities, local governments and representatives of civil society institutions, exchange of information between them in order to timely adjust public policy to provide quality and affordable cultural services, etc. The expediency of adopting the Law of Ukraine “On Archaeological Services and Circulation of Archaeological Sites” is substantiated, which will contribute to the preservation of the archaeological heritage and the creation of a unified system of its protection, combating illegal excavations and excavations; involve mandatory introduction of licensing for use of metal detectors, geo-scanners and other similar devices designed or adapted to search for metal objects that are essential of the European Convention of Protection of Archaeological Heritage and making regulatory framework of amateur archaeological research, establishing liability for violation of rules of archaeological items circulation. The peculiarities of ensuring the realization of cultural needs of citizens in certain areas, measures of strategic-planning and program-target provision of the population with cultural services for the future, establishment of norms of quantity and quality of state-guaranteed cultural services, administrative-legal status of subjects of providing cultural services, permit and registration requirements for procedures for providing the population with cultural services. Problems of imperfection of legal regulation of rendering of cultural services to the population are investigated. The characteristic features of the system of legal regulation in the field of cultural services have been clarified. It has been concluded that the legal regulation in the field of providing cultural services to the population, in particular, differences in legislation, lack of proper legislation in some areas of cultural space does not provide adequate conditions for cultural prosperity or real support for its development due to insufficient implementation of norms. guaranteed by legislation in the field of culture.


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How to Cite

Aksyutina, A. V., & Karpenko, R. V. (2024). REGULATORY AND LEGAL SUPPORT IN THE FIELD OF PROVIDING CULTURAL SERVICES TO THE POPULATION. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (1), 133–138.

