differentiation criminal charges, murder, sentence boundaries, sentencing, probationAbstract
This paper deals with the differentiation of criminal responsibility for the killing, combined with other crimes. Based on the analysis concluded that the need to raise the lower limit penalties for murder, which is analyzed. Submitted proposal for fixation in the inadmissibility of the use of Art. 69 and 81 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine to persons guilty of heinous crimes, including murder, combined with other crimes. Question of differentiation responsibility with theoretical origin are reflected in the official position of the legislator, and later have a significant impact on the practice of sentencing for a certain kind of socially dangerous attacks. Validity accepted in law-making not only ensures the stability of enforcement activities, but generally foster the fundamental principles of criminal law, such as the rule of law and justice. Traditionally, the offenses of aggravated reflect typical changes in the social danger of the act provided for the first team. Purpose of aggravating circumstances, therefore, comes down to differentiation of responsibility, and differentiation, which is done at the legislative level is compulsory and most formal in nature. In this respect no exception and composition of aggravated murder, where the sign of connectedness serves as the main factor influencing the change in the limits of liability in relation to the first team.
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