hooliganism, typical situations of the investigation, tactical operations, investigating actsAbstract
The scientific article dea with survey of some aspects of the investigation of the hooliganism. Typical situations of the investigation are examined, and the activity of the investigator by carry out urgent and next investigating acts is examined too. One important element of the investigation of any criminal offense is typical investigative situations. Therefore, their research has always paid close attention – as the study of general issues of criminology and in the formation of certain methods of investigation. It is a complex system of relationships that forms that particular environment in which investigator works and other entities involved in criminal proceedings. Hooliganism committed by a group of people, like other crimes investigated in the specific circumstances of time, place, environment, relationships with other processes of objective reality, the behavior of individuals who were involved in criminal proceedings, and under the influence of other factors, which remain unknown to the investigator. Therefore, the definition of typical investigative situations and corresponding course of action will ensure the effectiveness of investigations investigating these socially dangerous acts. The study in criminology category studied for a long time. But until now, no single point of view on the definition of the concept and essence. Investigative situation – a set of conditions in which the investigation and determined his condition at the moment. It is a tactical means of the organization of the investigator in the investigation of crime and focuses on the research questions of analysis (the study of the factors causing its contents in order to take tactical decisions and choosing option investigation techniques, providing rapid and complete investigation of the crime) investigation of the situation and evaluation.
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