legality, administrative coercion, measures of administrative coercion, traffic safety, police, martial law, legal regime, violation of legality.Abstract
In the article, based on the analysis of the current legislation of Ukraine and the practice of its application, the theoretical understanding of a number of scientific works from various fields of knowledge, the essence, significance and peculiarities of compliance with the principle of legality of the use of administrative coercion measures by the police in the field of road traffic safety during the operation of the legal regime of martial state. It has been proven that the effectiveness of ensuring road traffic safety and the high-quality performance of their powers by police officers depend on their compliance with the principle of legality during the application of administrative coercion measures. It has been established that the main prerequisite for the legality of the application of administrative coercion measures is compliance by subjects of power with the requirements of legislation, in particular, the grounds and features of the application of the specified measures by police officers within the scope of their law enforcement activities in the field of road traffic safety. Characteristic violations of legality and official discipline in the activities of the police during the application of administrative coercion measures in the field of road traffic safety under the conditions of the legal regime of martial law were determined. A number of proposals and recommendations aimed at increasing the effectiveness of administrative and legal enforcement of lawfulness and discipline in police activities have been formulated, including by: continuing the development of external and internal control mechanisms over police activities, in particular with the participation of experts, representatives of civil society, focusing on measures, which would make it possible to effectively prevent police abuse of power, etc.
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