reproductive rights, reproductive freedom, organizational and legal guarantees, institutional guarantees, guarantees of reproductive rights.Abstract
This scientific article is devoted to the study of organizational and legal guarantees of human reproductive rights in Ukraine, which is the basis of the creation of a democratic, legal and social state. The internally coordinated system of institutions, which includes state authorities and civil society institutions, whose activities are aimed at ensuring, implementing and protecting reproductive human rights, is analyzed. It is proposed to classify guarantees of human reproductive rights: according to the level of the guarantee mechanism, into international and national guarantees, and national guarantees, in turn, into guarantees defined by the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutional) and guarantees formulated in the laws of Ukraine and in subordinate legal acts; according to the method of action regarding the guarantee of implementation, protection and protection; by the nature of functioning: on material and procedural norms. The scientific article analyzes the state of certain leading international institutional guarantors, one of the directions of which is the realization of human reproductive rights and freedoms. Attention is focused on the fact that the lack of coordination in their activities does not ensure their achievement of a single goal, therefore, it is necessary to systematize the normative legal acts that regulate the activities of the above-mentioned subjects in the field of ensuring human reproductive rights. The author concludes that the cooperation of the state with public organizations is effective because: public organizations enjoy increased trust in solving their problems; they are characterized by a high level of motivation; human rights initiatives of public organizations are mostly more successful and effective; interaction with public organizations promotes the openness and transparency of the activities of state authorities regarding the exercise of powers in the field of human reproductive rights.
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