man and citizen, internally displaced persons, ensuring rights and freedoms, institutions of civil society, public authorities, martial law.Abstract
The article reveals the role of civil society institutions in ensuring the rights of internally displaced persons in Ukraine under martial law. It was emphasized that at the current stage of the development of the Ukrainian state, the continuation of law-making and state-building transformations is possible, including, thanks to the active position of Ukrainian citizens and their activities through various organizations. Civil society institutions today occupy a special place in ensuring the rights of internally displaced persons. It was noted that the activity of individual citizens to develop a democratic, legal state became the basis for the development of civil society in Ukraine and made it possible at the current stage to work intensively and self-organize in unpredictable and difficult times for Ukrainian society. It is emphasized that the self-organization of society is one of the key factors in the development of civil society. It is emphasized that the main task of public authorities is to avoid interference in the functioning of civil society institutions and their organization (except, of course, when the actions of public organizations are illegal), and to support the necessary initiatives, especially now, in the conditions of martial law, when it is difficult for all citizens of the state, and for internally displaced persons due to the forced abandonment of their permanent place of residence, it is doubly difficult. In the conditions of martial law, volunteers played a special place among public movements. The lack of comprehensive research and, accordingly, the need to conduct scientific research on the place of civil society institutions in ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons in Ukraine in the conditions of martial law and the post-war period were emphasized. Also, revealing the role and mechanisms of implementation and implementation of the institution of mediation in resolving controversial situations between public authorities and institutions of civil society is also a promising and practically important direction for scientific understanding.
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