personalized medicine, European integration, personal health data, genetic data, big data, e-Health.Abstract
The article examines the problems and legal prospects of processing and protection of personal health data, in particular in the context of European integration processes. The author analyzes the EU law and the European Commission’s recommendations to Ukraine in the field of personal data protection in the healthcare system. Particular attention is paid to the issue of legal protection of genetic data, the proper processing of which is crucial for the development and dissemination of the benefits of personalized medicine. The decision to open negotiations on Ukraine’s full membership in the EU implies the intensification of the process of approximation of Ukrainian legislation to EU acquis. Personal data protection is one of the areas requiring such approximation in accordance with the provisions of the Association Agreement. The issue of big data in the healthcare sector is studied in terms of its sensitivity and potential risks and dangers associated with it. The phenomenon of personalized medicine’s «dependence» on a large amount of data is analyzed. The study shows that the creation of appropriate regulatory and legal conditions for the processing and protection of genetic and other medical data in the field of personalized medicine will create greater opportunities for the development of genetically guided preventive medicine and treatment. As a result of a systematic analysis of the current legislation of Ukraine, an insufficient level of personal data protection in the healthcare sector was found, which does not meet European requirements and standards, and significantly hinders the development of personalized medicine.
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