



principles of civil procedure, principle of inadmissibility of abuse of procedural rights, principle of rule of law, judicial practice, court decisions, clarification of court decisions, civil procedure.


The article deals with study of judicial practice and the clarification of court decisions in civil proceedings. The principle of the inadmissibility of abuse of procedural rights in the civil process of Ukraine has been considered, with an indication of certain types of abuse, and the need for a clearer definition of this principle and the expansion of criteria to support justice and timeliness of the judicial proceedings. The principle of the rule of law is considered as a key aspect of the structure of the legal state of Ukraine, emphasizing its importance for the democratic development of the country and the harmonization of legislation with international standards, and it is indicated that his principle does not always affect the substantial resolution of cases. The judicial practice of explaining court decisions in civil proceedings has been analyzed. The judicial practice regarding the clarification of court decisions in civil proceeding has been studied. The results of the analysis and research made it possible to affirm the importance of clearly regulating the procedure for making and clarifying court decisions in the procedural legislation, which will contribute to increasing the legal confidence of the participants in the judicial process and increasing trust in the justice system. It is important to constantly monitor the effectiveness of the procedure for clarifying court decisions and respond to possible problems or inconveniences that may arise in the course of its application. Amendments in legislation and procedures can be implemented if they contribute to improving the accessibility and efficiency of this procedure for all citizens.


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How to Cite

Dyachenko, S., & Inhulska, D. (2024). JUDICIAL PRACTICE OF JUDGEEMENTS EXPLANATION IN CIVIL PROCEEDINGS. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (2), 15–21. https://doi.org/10.31733/2078-3566/2023-6-15-21

