credit line, loan, financial service, limit, credit institution, credit policy, financial crisis.Abstract
The article analyzes the development of the financial services market in the global financial crisis. Due to the influence of modern civilized culture of developed European countries, the demand for credit and credit services has increased and needs adjustment, preventive regulation, because society does not have the skills to forecast and take into account economic changes in the country and the world as a whole. However, the financial awareness and legal awareness of consumers of banking services is generally not high, which is the reason for inadequate initiatives and improper implementation of credit relations. Therefore, in light of the expanded demand for banking credit services, the authors emphasize that it is very important to study the characteristics of financial services, which will ensure adequate legal protection of private human rights in today's volatile economic environment. The authors analyze the development trends and favorable conditions for the formation of demand for credit services both nationally and internationally. Favorable circumstances that shape the demand for such services as a credit line are highlighted. The advantages of a line of credit are defined – the borrower can get a loan within a certain limit at any time when he needs it. The situation in the country with regard to the use of international credit lines is analyzed. The main attention is paid to the study of key, essential terms of the contract in view of the possible risks of its implementation and compliance with the rights of counterparties. The paper emphasizes the importance of an objective approach in determining the terms and limits of the credit line. It is determined that provided that the goal is clearly defined, which allows to assess the risks of the loan, and the establishment of correct limits and terms of loan repayment, proper development of credit relations is possible in which the rights of each party will have prospects.
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