



«The Dictionary of Contemporary Policeman», Ukrainian police terminology (UPT), professional language, lexicographic principles, dictionary entry, registered unit, professional police activity.


The article outlines the principles of creating «The Dictionary of Contemporary Policeman» and emphasizes its relevance. Analysis of scientific and lexicographic works revealed the absence of linguistic research on Ukrainian police terminology as a system. The importance of mastering professional terminology skills during the performance of police duties is highlighted. The paper addresses the challenges of isolating police terminology concerning other professional languages, particularly legal, military, medical, and various related fields (public, economic, administrative, technical, etc.). The systematic nature and specificity of police terminology are substantiated. A multi-level source base for the dictionary is outlined, comprising legislative normative documents regulating law enforcement, results of contemporary scientific research in the field, and educational-scientific resources such as textbooks, manuals, dictionaries, handbooks, etc. Terminology selection takes into account the specifics of performing police duties, especially in wartime conditions. General approaches and principles of creating «The Dictionary of Contemporary Policeman» are characterized. The alphabetical principle is identified as the main principle for organizing entries in the lexicographic work. The registered unit is presented based on accentuation and sectoral parameters, as well as the parameter of organizing auxiliary sections, alphabet-nesting principle, grammatical parameterization principles, and cross-references. The structure of a dictionary entry is proposed according to the professional functions of the presented lexicographic work, and three examples outlining plans for its expansion are provided. «The Dictionary of Contemporary Policeman» will facilitate the formation of a specialized system of concepts, meeting the needs of professional police activities.


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How to Cite

Udovichenko, L. (2024). «THE DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY POLICEMAN» AS A TOOL FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (1), 408–415. https://doi.org/10.31733/2078-3566-2024-1-408-415