legal education, corporate law, cryptocurrency, European Union, aggressor country, challenges.Abstract
The article examines the challenges that arose in the field of legal education, including in the field of corporate law, during the full-scale war of russian federation against Ukraine. Ways are proposed to solve them and to improve the training of students on current issues of law enforcement activities on documenting legal facts of illegal actions of corporate business entities. The norms of laws and by-laws regulating educational activities in higher military and other higher educational institutions are analysed. The necessity of teaching them a separate course «Corporate law under martial law» was determined. Taking this into account, the purpose of the article is to analyse the challenges arising in the martial law in the field of corporate law, ways to respond to them and improve the quality of legal education on these issues. The need for effective use of modern methods of recording and documenting crimes committed by military personnel of russian federation against the civilian population of Ukraine is the subject of a separate study, which should also be conducted in the future, despite numerous publications on this issue. Regarding the improvement of the teaching of specific topics from the course of corporate law: the article outlines recommendations for working them out in seminars and practical classes and in the process of independent work of students and of education seekers. The level of adaptation of Ukrainian corporate legislation to the legislation of the European Union in accordance with the Association Agreement with the EU was studied. The need for such adaptation is well founded as one of the conditions of Ukraine's European integration and a factor in its approaching victory over the aggressor country of russian federation. Complex legal issues arising from the ban in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union on the transfer of funds, including in the form of cryptocurrency, by Ukrainian business entities to individuals and/or legal entities of the aggressor country of russian federation are interpreted and explained. It has been proven that for a more in-depth study of the academic discipline «Corporate Law» it is advisable to introduce not only the teaching of a separate course «Corporate Law under Martial Law» but also practical training of its topics in higher military and other higher educational institutions. For this, it is necessary to develop appropriate work training programs. These programs should provide methodological recommendations for holding seminars and practical classes with students of legal education in an interactive form. It will be useful to place in a separate section the analysis of the practice of consideration by the Supreme Court, the arbitration court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine, and the International Commercial Arbitration of cases on corporate disputes that arose during the armed aggression of russian federation against Ukraine. It was emphasized that in addition to teaching an additional course «Corporate Law in Conditions of War» in higher military and other higher educational institutions, it is necessary to provide a special course «Corporate Law in the context of creating an attractive Investment Climate». Such a special course should reveal the main provisions, directions, content and legal aspects of Ukraine's recovery strategy in the post-war period of its victory over the aggressor country, russian federation.
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