
  • I.I. Korotych Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs


National anti-corruption bureau, legal status, functions, jurisdiction, authority, responsibility


In the scientific article the features of legal status of the National anti-corruption bureau of Ukraine are considered, its structure is explored. Attention to the tasks and functions of bureau is spared, the questions of its jurisdiction are certain and explored. The qualifying requirements to the employees of the National anti-corruption bureau of Ukraine are considered, the grounds of their responsibility are analysed. Social features determined the complex of pre-conditions which testify to potential possibility of the National anti-corruption bureau to be a subject, and legal norms, using these pre-conditions, determine the location and role of bureau in the field of state administration and bodies of power. It should be noted that clarification of maintenance of legal status is possible on condition of conducting of analysis of features of legal relationship in a concrete sphere, in fact these features determine maintenance of equitable rights and legal duties as bases of legal status. A question about legal status of the National anti-corruption bureau is interesting to those, that the term "legal status" in legal literature is determined ambiguously. It is certain, that four elements are component parts of legal status of state body: destination block; jurisdiction; organizational block of elements; responsibility. Legal status of the National anti-corruption bureau is an elaborate legal design, which includes at itself: aims, task, functions; jurisdiction; organizational block of elements; responsibility. Aims, task, the functions of bureau are different categories. Expediently to formulate functions in the proper normative acts through fixing of the set list of tasks. Jurisdiction of bureau contains in itself the articles of knowing (jurisdiction) and authority (duties). We will notice also that a bureau got status of law enforcement authority, and it means that a national bureau will own plenary powers of pre-court investigation, operative-search activity, plenary powers of arrest and exposure of corruption offences and other. Independence of bureau is provided by the special order of selection of director of bureau and exhaustive list of grounds for his liberation, by the competitive bases of selection of employees of bureau, by the special facilities by providing of safety of employees of bureaus and members of their families.


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How to Cite

Korotych, I. (2024). SOME ASPECTS OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE NATIONAL ANTI-CORRUPTION BUREAU OF UKRAINE. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (1), 202–209. Retrieved from

