physical culture, sport, object, public administration, state regulationAbstract
The article is devoted to the sphere of physical culture and sports through the lens of public administration. The author has clarified the status and the inherent problems that hamper the development of sport movement in Ukraine. It is proved that despite all the advantages of the European vector of development of physical culture and sports industry, currently there are many problems that inhibit this process in Ukraine, namely: the lack of a unified system of state policy in this sphere; imperfect legal framework; insufficient funds and inefficient the mobilization of extrabudgetary funds; low level of interagency coordination and interaction of state authorities and local self-government. Therefore, a new paradigm of development of physical culture and sports industry requires a coordinated socio-economic, scientific, informational, financial, legal, personnel, organizational, technical and other measures aimed at improving public administration in this area. It identifies General and specific features in the sphere of physical culture and sport as an object of public administration to the General characteristics attributed the public nature of this sector; the existence within the industry sub-sectors of administrative law, administrative and sports law; social relationships (object of regulation) that arise in this area, have a legal obligation to ensure the achievement of concrete public outcome; the actors in these relations, which are the organs of administration and other subjects of fitness and sporting activities. Specific signs named: the interdisciplinary nature; a direct link with other sectors (education, culture, etc.) that constitute a separate area of public administration − socio-cultural sphere of the state; the originality of the external forms of manifestation of the elements of the mechanism of administrative-legal regulation (actors, principles, functions, methods and forms) in this field; the complex nature associated with the combination of economic and legal components, the reduction in state intervention; the relationship of the subjects of fitness and sporting activities with a large number of state bodies, carrying out different types of inspection (sanitary, technical, environmental, etc.) for their operation.
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