financial system, public financial system of Ukraine, finance, financial lawAbstract
The article is devoted to scientific and analytical study of the doctrinal approaches to the understanding of the public financial system of Ukraine. Marked contents and outline the main doctrinal approaches to understanding the nature and importance of the category "financial system", such as: stock, institutional, subjective, and procedural. Analyzed scientific works of contemporary authors and current laws, considering the aforementioned issues. Made own conclusions about the main problems of legal regulation of the mechanism of ensuring the effective functioning of the public financial system of Ukraine and proposes the relevant amendments and additions to legislation to improve and optimize the legal regulation of social relations arising in this sphere. Proposed changes and additions should be the first step on the way to the ultimate goal – the adoption of a special law "On public financial system of Ukraine" aimed to implement a comprehensive legal regulation of public relations arising concerning the effective functioning of the organization and management of public financial system. Speaking with this kind of proposal, we rely not only on the results of own research and the practice of application of norms of the current legislation, but also try to take into account and learn from the experience of countries of the European Union, that is especially actual in the conditions of active integration processes.
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