globalization, power, government, supranational authority, a form of supranational regime of corporatocracyAbstract
The author has considered supranational authority in the context of globalization, the structure of state power, the classification of subjects of supranational power by various criteria, the shape of supranational political regime in the context of globalization, the features of corporatocratic form of supranational regime. Certainly, supranational authority is one of the varieties of political power. Its subjects have to use quite a wide range of resources to the economic and coercive manipulation and behavior contrary to their interests. The structure of political power includes three main elements: supranational government consists of government entities, objects of power, resources and power. The author has noted about the impossibility of identifying subjects of supranational authorities with supranational authority. Subjects of supranational authorities, as holders of power are collective and may be shared by the role they play in political life. They are not always the primary, that is, those that generate political objectives, and can act as secondary subjects – those who sell directly to the purpose of life.The author has paid attention to the fact that the realization of business goals of supranational authority can be assigned as the secondary supranational entities and other subjects of political power: the state, or regional. There is a need for isolation and supranational global power, when the first is just a kind of latter. So the degree of dissemination of the powerful influence of supranational government entities are divided into global and regional. In terms of the legality of the organization forms and methods of implementation, the subjects of supranational bodies can be divided into legitimate and illegitimate. The degree of publicity supranational authorities its subjects are divided into: public and non-public (hidden, shadow). By dominant factor as sociations of supranational bodies divided into: the politicalterritorial, trade and financial. Undoubtedly, the TNC may be recognized as a non-public, not legalized is not legitimate subjects of global supranational authority. Huge economic and financial resources, political leverage of transnational corporations, which determine their status as subjects of supranational bodies, define a set of methods, techniques of implementation. This in turn makes it possible to affirm the existence of such forms of supranational political regime in which power that affects governments, through powerful and wealthy corporations: сorporatocracy form.
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