civil society, state, interaction, interaction of the state and civil society, democracyAbstract
The article focuses on the specific nature of civil society and its functioning in Ukraine, highlights problematic areas in interaction between bodies of the civil society and the state authorities. The author identified that the history of the concept of the idea of civil society is inextricably linked with the production problems of its interaction with the state. In modern theoretical scientific writings considered several options for interaction between civil society and the state. Today civil society implies the existence of just such a state, which is designed to protect the interests and rights of citizens and in which man is the main value. In this case, both concepts are interrelated and inseparable in the ideal concept of a modern democratic, legal and social state. The relationship and mutual influence of civil society and the state is crucial in ensuring democratic development. On the one hand, the idea of defending the independence of the individual from the state, trying to get guarantees for the protection of private and public interests of the people, civil society actively promotes the democratic process of the state and its entry into signs of law. On the other hand, it is dependent on the state and cannot develop under conditions authoritarianism, as in the relationship of civil society and the state must act feedback. The author analyzes that strong state is impossible without a developed civil society, which is an effective factor in state- provided constructive and responsible social dialogue with the state. Interaction between state and civil society on the basis of partnership necessary for development of Ukraine as a legal, democratic and social state. This is due to the fact that social and political progress, democratic development and economic growth is impossible to implement without the active participation of the society. She named the main features of interaction between civil society and state: civil society – a socio-economic sphere and personal relations between people. State intervention it should be minimized to the socially necessary quantities. The role of the state is in it, usually in support of the rule of law, combat crime, to facilitate the realization of citizens' rights and freedoms of private initiatives. The basis of interaction between civil society and the rule of law must lie in the fact that they have to take it upon himself to ensure human and civil rights , dividing it thus: State ensures the right of a citizen (political rights ) and civil society – human rights (personal and social rights ). The author suggests a number of recommendations for promoting mutually advantageous functioning of the government and the civil society.
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