martial law, regime, police, National police, ensuringAbstract
In the article there is the survey of the questions of activity of the National police in the conditions of the regime of martial law. The features of activity of the National police are exposed in the conditions of the regime of guard of martial law in relation to providing of public order and safety. Activity of public administration in the conditions of martial law is taken to the assistance the authorized agent to the subjects on that providing of the regime of martial law is fixed, there is implementation of tasks of defensive of the state in direct. National police in accordance with Resolution of Cabinet of ministers of Ukraine "About claim of position about the National police" a police assists providing under the law of the legal regime of martial or emergency law, zone of ecological emergency in case of their announcement on all territory of Ukraine or in separate locality. From efficiency of work of the National police depends very much, in fact there is providing of internal safety of the state on certain territory to her main tasks. In this connection actual is a question of clarification of competense of the National police at entered to the regime of martial law, in fact clarification of these plenary powers is the guarantee of legality in realization of her by the public servants of the plenary powers at military position, assists efficiency of activity of corresponding services and subdivisions. In order that the organs of the National police could effectively provide a public order and safety it is necessary in the conditions of martial law, that this activity was properly organized. For this purpose, taking into account an operative situation, social, political and economic terms, that was folded it is necessary to take measure in relation to placing of personnel of policemen, providing of them necessary material and technical resources, to work the algorithm of actions constabulary in emergencies, that can happen (delight of building of government, especially important objects, hostages bodies and others like that). In this connection needs attention of realization of the careful planning of actions constabulary corresponding situations.
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