adversariality, principle of adversariality, criminal proceedings, criminal procedure, organizational problems, prosecution, defense.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of organizational problems which impede the implementation of the adversarial principle in criminal procedure and the search for ways to resolve them. In the course of the analysis, the author identifies the following organizational problems which affect the efficiency of the adversarial principle in criminal procedure: the mismatch between the number of prosecutors and the goals set by the criminal procedure reform; the mismatch between the number of attorneys-at-law and the goals set for the Bar; the small number of attorneys-at-law in the free legal aid system; the funding of attorneys-at-law in the free legal aid system exclusively at the expense of the State; and «cooperation» of attorneys-at-law with investigators and prosecutors. In order to address the organizational problems of implementing the adversarial principle in criminal proceedings, it is proposed to: to revise the existing restriction on the number of prosecutors in the prosecution authorities in the direction of increasing them within the defined number of employees of the prosecution authorities; to introduce simplified rules for admission to the bar for students of specialized universities, who, after completing their studies, will be provided with the opportunity to become assistants to practicing attorneys under the guidance of the Ukrainian National Bar Association; to encourage lawyers who hire «yesterday's» graduates from the list of universities with which the Ukrainian National Bar Association cooperates as assistants; to review the amount of payments to lawyers providing legal aid in the FLA system so that the actual time spent by the lawyer is taken into account and all types of work performed by him/her are paid for; to allow lawyers to provide free secondary legal aid without any competitions, additional testing and inspections; to create a legal entity of public law (Legal Aid Fund), which will be established by the state but managed independently by the legal community and funded by the state and external donors and sponsors, including the private sector; to reform the mechanism of defense by appointment; to promote professional ethics and responsibility of lawyers.
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