criminal proceedings, forensic methodology, investigator, investigation of criminal offenses, principles of forensic methodology.Abstract
The article examines the scientific approaches and opinions of forensic scientists regarding the principles of forensic methodology. The position of a differentiated approach to the principles of forensic methodology as a branch of criminology and as an algorithm of actions of the subjects of the investigation regarding the practical application of the provisions of science is substantiated. The principles of the formation of forensic methods are considered: determinism (historicism), objectivity, systematicity, the relationship between science and practice. The principle of determinism is based on a dialectical approach to the development and improvement of individual forensic methods and to take into account the laws of interdependence and interconnection of processes that arise during their creation. The principle of objectivity consists in the development of methods of investigation established exclusively on the basis of studying the laws of the crime mechanism, regardless of political, social and other processes taking place in society. The systematicity of the forensic methodology, like any field of knowledge, consists in considering its individual components as a single integrated system. Attention is paid to the principles of investigative activity, namely, the application by investigators of the provisions of the forensic methodology in the investigation of criminal offenses: observance of legality; individuality, planning, efficiency and speed of investigation; interaction of the investigator with other bodies and units; active use of special knowledge and technical means; using public assistance. The principles of using forensic methods, in contrast to scientific ones, are directly related to the activities of the subjects of the investigation or to investigative activities.
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