women, violence, implementation, foreign experience, prevention, counteractionAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis and evaluation of the implementation of international experience in the field of preventing and combating domestic violence. The study focuses on examining and comparing the regulatory and institutional mechanisms used in different countries to combat this problem. The work examines the practical experience of other countries, such as the European Union, Canada, and Spain, and analyzes its suitability and effectiveness for the Ukrainian system. The article details the main aspects of the implementation of international experience in the context of the Ukrainian reality, in particular, management of preventive programs, protection of victims’ rights, and support of family structures. The authors draw attention to the problems and prospects of implementing the best practices of foreign countries into the national strategy for combating domestic violence. The article’s conclusions emphasize the need to adapt and improve international experience taking into account the specifics of the Ukrainian situation, as well as the importance of a systemic approach and cooperation between all interested parties to achieve successful results in combating domestic violence. The most significant ways of implementing the positive acquisitions of foreign experience into Ukrainian law enforcement practice include: creation of an extensive network of shelters, crisis centers, and hotlines following the example of developed countries to ensure security and psychological assistance to victims of violence; active involvement of public organizations in the development and implementation of anti-violence programs, information campaigns to raise public awareness;– implementation of correctional programs for persons who commit violence, with the aim of changing their behavior and preventing relapses; amending legislation to criminalize psychological violence as a separate crime, because in many countries psychological violence is considered a criminal offense, etc.
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