fire training, police officer, National Police of Ukraine, firearms, differentiationAbstract
The article deals with highlighting the relevance of conducting this and similar studies in connection with the introduction on the territory of our state of a new, previously virtually unknown to our society, legal regime of martial law, caused by the full-scale military aggression of the Russian occupier, necessity and expediency of distinguishing the principles of fire training of policemen of the National Police of Ukraine depending on the specialization and specifics of the duties assigned to them, taking into account the specifics of the service, which came with the introduction of the legal regime of martial law and the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. In the work, special attention is devoted to the idea of the feasibility of creating separate training programs for fire training, which are mastered by higher education graduates by state order in universities with specific training conditions that train personnel for units of the National Police of Ukraine. Within the scope of our research, we have analyzed the regulatory acts establishing the order, organization, accounting and conduct of service training classes, one of the elements of which is fire training. As part of the analysis, it was established that there is no differentiated approach to the fire training of police officers of individual units of the National Police of Ukraine, the conditions for conducting shooting exercises, and the only existing differentiated feature related to the performance of certain types of exercises by certain categories of police officers was outlined.
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