pre-trial investigation, crime detection, investigation method, analysis, unsolved crime, crimes of the past years.Abstract
Taking into account the absolute indicators of the number of solved crimes indicates only the level of work of law enforcement agencies in solving them, but when determining the level of efficiency of activity in general, it is necessary to take into account data on unsolved criminal crimes, which allows obtaining a complete information model of the quality of work of the relevant body, and, as a consequence unit and specific persons. The analysis of the practice of disclosure and investigation of unsolved crimes of past years showed that the effectiveness of work in this area is carried out on the basis of the combined efforts of pre-trial investigation bodies, procedural managers and operational units, which includes a set of recommendations aimed at improving the activities of disclosure and investigation of unsolved crimes of past years by various forms of interaction of these units in general and individual employees in particular. Of course, the process of uncovering and investigating crimes is influenced by certain factors, both objective and subjective. Therefore, in order to improve this line of work, namely the disclosure and investigation of crimes of the past years, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the information and data available in the criminal proceedings, which the authors pay attention to. The use of data from the analysis of criminal proceedings will allow to carry out measures to identify persons involved in the commission of unsolved crimes of the category of past years, will provide grounds for conducting separate investigative (search) and covert investigative (search) actions, and measures of a detective nature. Therefore, even individual proposals of the authors, regarding the use of the analysis of the materials of proceedings on unsolved crimes of the past years, will help law enforcement officials to put forward new versions, to plan joint work, namely, the conduct of separate investigative (search) and secret investigative (search) actions, and in general, better quality conduct an investigation aimed at uncovering and investigating crimes that were classified as unsolved crimes of previous years.
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