virtual reality, cyberspace, socialization, Internet, agents of socialization, social spaceAbstract
The article deals with a topical issue for today, which is related to the development of the Internet and its influence on the organization of social life, changes in the forms of social interaction and the acquisition of institutional stability. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the process of socialization of the individual in the new conditions of the field of reality. In fact, life, and thus the socialization of young people, takes place in two realities: virtual and objective. Technological advances in this area expand the horizons of the human mind and change the ways of joint activity and communication within society. The results of the analysis of socio-demographic characteristics of network users record the fact that most of them are young students. Under the influence of a different reality, the lifestyle of students, the structure of leisure time, the usual channels of receiving information, and the nature of interpersonal interactions change. Students are becoming the most active carriers and creators of cyber culture. The role of the Internet in preparing students for practical professional activities is being intensified. In the course of obtaining an education, a future profession, students are forced to constantly search for the necessary information on the Internet and use virtual resources to acquire knowledge and acquire the necessary professional skills. Therefore, virtual reality is a parallel environment that functions according to certain laws, actively develops and influences young people. Technologically, virtual reality opens the possibility of intensification of the educational process, due to the use of interactive programs. The article presents the results of exploratory empirical research, which showed that the socialization space and mechanisms are changing, but the contents are laid down by objective reality, live communication and interaction. Values, moral authorities, norms of social interaction are relevant if they are established in real life and are really existing. Instead, virtuality has an advantage due to the feature of hyperreality and allows playing social roles, behavioral strategies, as if to «try on» them, which is not possible in real life.
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