criminal proceedings, interrogation, interrogation of minors, psychology of interrogation, conflictology, investigative actions, investigator, science, law enforcement agencies, criminal process, criminology, psychological state, conflict situations, psychological contact, conflict situation of interrogationAbstract
The article analyzes the system of knowledge about conflictology as a science, investigates its formation and the current state of this discipline. Practical skills of productive conflict resolution and overcoming conflict situations during investigative actions and interrogation, in particular, were analyzed. The classification, dynamics of development and causes of conflicts were considered, and the methods of their effective management were analyzed. Attention was drawn to the difference between the concept of "interrogation" from the point of view of the criminal process and criminology and from the point of view of psychology. Psychological features of interaction and interrogation of minors with communication problems were separately considered. Developed some strategies for overcoming conflict situations during investigative actions. In a conflict situation, the investigator can use such techniques as persuasion, interrogation with the presentation of evidence, creating an exaggerated idea of the investigator’s knowledge, the assumption of a legend, consistency, the method of indirect interrogation, surprise, speeding up the pace of interrogation, and demonstrating the capabilities of the investigation. Thus, the investigator must carefully prepare for the interrogation, analyze the evidence available in the case against the accused or suspect and the explanations that they have already given; be especially observant during the interrogation of the nuances of the interrogated person’s behavior, his/her reaction to certain questions, his calmness or irritability, confidence or fear, facial expressions and gestures. Moreover, the investigator must remain calm, attentive and confident, since the effectiveness of the interrogation depends, first of all, not on a specific tactical technique or combination, but on the literacy and experience of the investigator using them.
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