investigation, criminal offenses against the life and health of a person, investigative (search) actions, special knowledge, information technologies, specialist, expertAbstract
The possibilities of using information technologies during the investigation of criminal offenses against the life and health of a person are considered. It is proposed to use the software to determine the physical capabilities of the participants in the conflict by analyzing such important physiological indicators as age, weight, build, impact strength, endurance, and others. An algorithm of the investigator's actions regarding the implementation of the conducted research into the evidence base by conducting an investigative experiment with recording the results of the measurement of indicators in the protocol of the investigative (search) action with subsequent processing by its program and registration of the obtained results with a specialist's certificate is proposed. Attention is focused on the fact that the software proposed by us can be used during the investigation of criminal offenses against the life and health of a person, in particular for: analysis of physical data: weight, height, build and force of the task of striking the participants in the conflict, which helps to establish the degree of violence and possible intent to commit a crime; reproduction of the mechanism of the event when creating a virtual simulation of the situation that occurred, where the investigator can analyze various variants of events and their consequences; evaluation of the results of the program by specialists in medicine, physiology and other fields to give conclusions about the possible impact of their results on the qualification of the offense. The results obtained using the proposed software, in combination with other evidence, can be used during evidence in criminal proceedings and will contribute to obtaining complete objective evidentiary information and the inevitable prosecution of the guilty.
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