criminal offense, illegal acquisition of the right to land, communal property, state property, investigation, investigative (search) action, land plot, raiding, inspectionAbstract
The problematic issues of the investigation of criminal offenses related to the illegal acquisition of the right to state or communal land were studied. It is noted that the investigation of criminal offenses related to the illegal acquisition of the right to land of state or communal property is becoming more and more important from year to year. This is due to a number of factors, among which it is worth highlighting such as: armed aggression of our eastern «neighbor»; weakness of the legal system; increasing circulation of cold and firearms; low level of legal culture; de-occupation of certain regions of Ukraine. Given the above factors, illegal acts of a certain category are committed more and more often. This causes negative prospects for the creation and growth of communal medium and small businesses in our country. It is proposed to enshrine raiding as a criminal offense in a separate provision of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The position is supported regarding the need to single out several articles in the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which will reveal various aspects of the investigated illegal act. The proper formulation of raiding as a system of actions (actions and inactions) aimed at illegal seizure of property (including land plots) of private, communal and state economic entities, as well as establishing control over them and, subsequently, management, is given. Countermeasures against the specified criminal offense have been defined: improvement of corporate and procedural legislation, amendments to those provisions that have an ambiguous interpretation; education of responsible economic behavior among subjects of economic relations; education of legal culture among subjects of legal relations; improvement of the tax system, reduction of tax pressure on enterprises, simplification of the accounting system; improving the training of specialists of relevant law enforcement agencies on issues of countering raider seizure for the illegal acquisition of the right to state or communal land.
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