definitions, criminal law provision, nomination, nomenclature names, operational and investigative activities, term, criminal law terminology system, stratification.Abstract
The article reveals the concept of modern stratification of the criminal law language. The study of the vocabulary of modern Ukrainian criminal texts is becoming increasingly relevant due to the changes taking place in the legal life of Ukraine, respectively, in various branches of law: restructuring of the legal system, development of a modern legal framework in accordance with the requirements and needs of today, emergence of new scientific concepts, etc. These factors have certainly influenced the language of law, which is realized through a professional (legal) text. It is noted that the review of intra-system relations in the field of legal terminology derivatives shows the interconnection and interdependence of the conceptual, term-formation and semantic levels of the criminal law terminology system. It is proved that the lexical composition of the The Criminal Code of Ukraine (further – CCU) text is stratified into special (terminological) and non-special (words of broad semantics, commonly used) vocabulary. The vocabulary of the texts of the modern CCU is a system of linguistic units organized according to the general language laws, which consists of interrelated and interdependent parts, the key of which is the terms used to nominate legal phenomena and concepts. It consists of special (basic (narrowly specialized) terms, terms borrowed from other terminology systems (legal and non-legal), non-special vocabulary (words of broad semantics (commonly used vocabulary)) and nomenclature (nomenclature names). Criminal procedural terminology includes names of concepts, objects, actions, phenomena, persons, etc. that are directly related to such a branch of law as criminal procedure and its functioning in society. The terminology of criminal law produces an update, modernization of the text both through changes in the lexical composition and through semantic transformations. The author focuses on the use of clear and unambiguous terms in criminal law which provide clarity to the text of the criminal law norm and affect related areas of law and legislation, including operative-search activity.
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