administrative offence, child, general and special prevention, prevention of offences, offenses committed by children.Abstract
The article analyzes the problems of administrative measures for the prevention of offenses committed by children. The permanent nature of the issue of preventing children from committing offenses was emphasized and it was noted that the child’s vulnerability is a factor actualizing the problems demanding its immediate solution. It has been established that research in the field of prevention of delinquency by children is extremely important for ensuring the sustainable development of society and ensuring the rights and interests of future generations. The methodological basis for covering the problems of administrative measures for the prevention of offenses committed by children is defined: 1) understanding of the relevant category (the prevention of offenses committed by children is a systematic, purposeful activity of specially authorized state authorities, institutions and organizations, carried out within the limits of their powers and includes a set of measures aimed at preventing the commission of offenses by children, reducing the number of such offenses and their impact on society and the child); 2) distinguishing general and special prevention and distinguishing three levels of crime prevention (general and social, special and individual). The following administrative measures for the prevention of offenses committed by children are singled out and briefly described: prevention programs in schools; support and consulting system shaping; internal school monitoring and control systems; cooperation with parents and the community; development of social adaptation programs; social services for an individual approach; police patrols to monitor public order; strengthening the effectiveness of juvenile police units. Examples of the implementation of some of the specified areas of crime prevention among children are given. It is summarized that the activities of specially authorized agencies, institutions and organizations regarding the prevention of offenses among children should be complex and systematic in nature, based on the creation of effective communication between various institutions endowed with relevant powers.
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