general social measures, prevention, crime prosecutor’s office, family area, offender.Abstract
The article examines general social measures of prevention of crime in the family area by the prosecutor's office. It has been proven that despite a significant number of scientific studies of crime in the family sphere, the problem of general social prevention remains one of the most urgent in criminological science. Since prosecutors currently ensure that the rights and interests of victims, witnesses, as well as the rights of suspects and those accused of committing criminal offenses in the family sphere are respected in court, guided by the principle of the rule of law, legality and justice, they also coordinate the formation of criminal law and criminological policy in the field activities of law enforcement agencies with the aim of preventing and countering crime, in particular in the family sphere. Moreover, the prosecutor, exercising constitutional functions, independently makes decisions and coordinates the initiation of criminal proceedings by the pre-trial investigation bodies of the National Police of Ukraine regarding the commission of a criminal offense (a crime or a criminal misdemeanor) by an offender in the family area. The signs of general social measures to prevent crime in the family sphere by the prosecutor's office are singled out, on the basis of which, the author's definition of them is formulated. The shortcomings of social measures to prevent crime in the family sphere are singled out, among them: the presence of gaps and conflicts in regulatory and legal acts, which requires a constant search for a way out of this or that situation; problems with the coordination of the activities of the prosecutor's office with other law enforcement agencies, the court and local self-government bodies; the great crisis of the institution of the family and moral values in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, etc.
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