state management; public administration; martial law; administrative activity; state apparatus; constitutional state; civil societyAbstract
The relationship between state management and public administration in Ukraine is considered, as well as the reasons for the unfulfilled tasks of the new doctrine of Ukrainian administrative law and the main circumstances for the emergence of the category «public administration», the prematurity of the use of this concept in the current categorical system of administrative and legal science. According to the results of the analysis of the provisions of the existing approaches to the definition of public administration, the most successful polystructural (unifying) concept of the specified category is outlined. Taking into account the circumstances of the state of war and the post-war tasks of Ukraine, the high importance of public administration in the social practices of our country is emphasized. The author concluded that the categories "state administration" and "public administration", given the unifying concept of the latter concept, are related to each other as a part and a whole; the success of past and future possible attempts to use "public administration" as a key and universal basic category of administrative law, as was the case with state administration until recently, is unlikely due to the polystructure of the modern subject of administrative and legal regulation; taking into account the importance and uniqueness of the tasks facing the Ukrainian state in the conditions of the ongoing state of war and the no less significant tasks that will have to be solved in our state in post-war times, the role of public administration and its functional potential will objectively only increase under such circumstances.
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