gender identity, gender policy, gender equality, gender activism, inclusiveness, non-discrimination, rights and freedoms, legal regulation, social rights, cooperation, legal protection, ensuring rightsAbstract
This scientific article provides a comprehensive analysis of legal mechanisms and policies aimed at ensuring gender equality and combating discrimination in the security and defence sphere. The article examines in detail the theoretical foundations of gender equality, a historical overview of the legal framework, basic concepts and terms, as well as international and national legislation that determine legal standards in this area. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the practical implementation of legal mechanisms, challenges and obstacles in their implementation, as well as development prospects. The article also examines the role of gender policy in combating gender-based violence and protecting gender identity in the military, as well as ways to improve national policy in this area. The conclusions of the article emphasise the importance of continuous improvement of legislation, policy and practical measures in the field of gender equality and the protection of women’s and men’s rights in the field of security and defence. They also emphasise the need to change the cultural stereotypes and norms that underlie gender discrimination through education, media and other initiatives. In addition, it emphasises the importance of joint efforts, patience and continuous involvement of all stakeholders to achieve true equality and justice in society.
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